Identity and Communication are intertwined. Interacting with a Mentor who can understand where we are coming from, can help to shape which direction to go
What is our goal?
Alhamdulilaah, All Praise is for Allah subhanahu who has blessed our humble city with many Islamic institutions. Many nations have converged here in our city of Toronto, and made it the amazing melting pot that it is.
Mihrab Mentorship & Centre for Youth is an organization who hope to sculpt the identity of younger generations by connecting them back to the wisdom of the Islaam. Our youth are the most valuable and precious asset, and worthy of absolute attention, understanding and compassion.
Struggles as youth are many, from school, homework, exams, peer pressure to drugs, dating, sex, divorce and death. Our goal is to help them maintain an islaamic outlook, provide islaamic support and direction and to embody that Islaam belongs in our lives as a foundation to build upon.
Facing these issues as a community will help shorten the learning curve, decrease unnecessary suffering and ensure the balance is maintained in what is an always fluid existence. May Allah subhanahu grant us and all Muslims - all Mankind, in fact, serenity as we traverse this path!!