How many youth can we assist developing a sense of positive identity?
A brief history
Who are we and why do we believe this to be the way forward?
Who are we?
Our Mentorship dawah program is headed by Br. Abu Shahadah Foster, Director of Dawah. He has been providing Mentorship, Youth Engagement and New Muslim Support for more than 20 years in our local community. Some background information on Br. Abu Shahadah follows:
Highly skilled in relation to youth focused initiatives. Certified in Street Proofing from the Region of Peel.
Identified a Problem within our Community: Young men are less sociable with their family members, more likely to drop out of school and not search out employment. Young brothers who do not have a father figure in their lives are in major need of assistance through outreach and mentorship programs. Recognized that these young men are often remaining in their homes, not exposed to positive government or social interactions or interventions.
Originated an urgent Initiative geared to one to one mentorship of young Muslim brothers who do not have father figures in their lives. Specializing in engagement of young brothers who are not interested in being Muslim or who have tumultuous relationships with parents.
Solution 2: Youth Creative Learning Strategy.
Bringing Youth to volunteer as assistants in a documentary. Allowing them to ask questions to brothers about what they would do differently if they could advise their younger self. Connecting them with brothers social events which provide a holistic learning environment where the young brothers learn about the way older Men would approach fundamental issues.
Planning, organising and overseeing community programmes designed to stimulate emotional development of young people between the ages of 11-25.
Coordinating time to meet with New Muslims on a weekly basis to discuss basics of the religion or to provide emotional support throughout their journey to Islam
Managing projects / planning and organising appropriate youth and community programmes recruiting, training and supervising volunteers and paid employees
Undertaking ‘outreach' youth work to connect with those unaware of our mentorship program
Producing reports and business plans / giving presentations
Promoting young people's interests to the broader community
Preparing and distributing publicity materials and displays for awareness.
Liaising and working with parents, schools, the police and other community groups/organisations
Providing advocacy and counselling contacts
raising funds to support that various activities of the project overall.